K.B.K Association, Benedek Elek Library of the City of Debrecen, and Ferenc Keresi ex libris collector announce a competition for displaying...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Competition: International Ex libris competition
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
K.B.K Association, Benedek Elek Library of the City of Debrecen, and Ferenc Keresi ex libris collector announce a competition for displaying on an exhibition, which is going to be opened at 5 pm on 18th July 2012. All creator are expected to send one ex libris without any restrictions regarding its genre, content and theme to the fellowing adress:
Debreceni Városi Könyvtár Benedek Elek Könyvtár
4024, Hungary, Debrecen, Piac Street 68.
More information:
e-mail: exlibris2012@gmail.com
tel: 06 52 502 431(Tomasovszki Anita)
or Benedek Elek Könyvtár facebook page
A kiállításon több Andersen mese illusztrációja is szerepel, többi közt : A csodálatos tűzszerszám, A rút kiskacsa, A császár új ruhája. E...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Exhibition: Jászi Gallery - Christmas Exhibition
Monday, January 30, 2012
A kiállításon több Andersen mese illusztrációja is szerepel, többi közt : A csodálatos tűzszerszám, A rút kiskacsa, A császár új ruhája. E. T. A. Hoffmann Diótörő és az egérkirály meséjét megelevenítő rajzok is bemutatásra kerülnek és Petőfi Sándor János vitéze is életre kel a rajzokon. Igazi karácsonyi történetek is megelevenednek a galéria művészeinek alkotásain: Engel Tevan István Karácsonyi meséje sok hóhullással, Mikulás gyárral és hóemberrel. Lackfi János Karácsonyi vándorok című története, melyet Makhult Gabriella linómetszetei illusztrálnak.
Hőlégballonok, sárkányok és boszorkányok idézik még a mesék néhol rejtélyes máskor mulatságos, fantáziában gazdag világát.
Jászi Galéria
Budapest, Irányi u. 12
(Váci utca corner)
6. december 2011. - 6 február 2012.
Open hours: T– F: 12:00 -18:00; Sat: 11:00 -16:00
Since 1970 the Miskolc Gallery hosts the region's most prestigious fine art exposition, the Winter Exhibition, to give the opportunity ...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Exhibition: XXI. Mickolc Winter Exhibition
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Since 1970 the Miskolc Gallery hosts the region's most prestigious fine art exposition, the Winter Exhibition, to give the opportunity to show the Miskolc related artist work's, to meet with the audience.
Miskolci Galéria Városi Művészeti Múzeum (Rákóczi-ház)
Miskolc, Rákóczi utca 2.
+36 (46) 500-680
21. january - 10. march 2012.
Open hours: IX.7-V.31.: T-Sat 9-13;
Domján József (1907 – 1992) Kossuth prized painter, grahic artist, gobelin maker. In his art he carved special hungarian folklore motifs. ...
Monday, January 23, 2012
Other techniques: Domján József
Monday, January 23, 2012
Domján József (1907 – 1992) Kossuth prized painter, grahic artist, gobelin maker. In his art he carved special hungarian folklore motifs.
Szép Ilona, 1982
color woodblock print, paper
690 × 490 mm
Sunday, January 22, 2012
This is the first time that the hungarian audience can see John Lennon drawings and cericatures from a german collector collection in Szeg...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Exhibition: The Art of John Lennon
Sunday, January 22, 2012
This is the first time that the hungarian audience can see John Lennon drawings and cericatures from a german collector collection in Szeged. One of the most influential musicians of the 20th century has been learning few years in the Acedemy of Fine Arts - a special exhibition of 80 works will be opened on January 28 in the Reök.
Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 56.
Tel.: 0662/471-411, 0662/471-169
Fax: 0662/471-411
28 january - 6 may 2012 , tuesday -sunday: 10.00 - 18.00 o'clock
Vello Vinn estonian graphic artist. His visionary etchings have made him a prominent figure in Estonian graphic art. Sandglass, 1970 etch...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Vello Vinn
Friday, January 13, 2012
Vello Vinn estonian graphic artist. His visionary etchings have made him a prominent figure in Estonian graphic art.
Sandglass, 1970
etching, drypoint, paper
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Rékassy Csaba the hungarian engraving master, I am really appreciate him. I study his works and I always learn something new. I've read ...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Rékassy Csaba: Idioms
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Rékassy Csaba the hungarian engraving master, I am really appreciate him. I study his works and I always learn something new. I've read Szokásmondások (Idioms) book recently and I've enjoyed his illustrations very much.
Idioms illustration
engraving, paper
Monday, January 09, 2012
Keresztes Dóra Hungarian painter, printmaker, illustrator, graphic designer and animated film director. Her works were deeply influenced by...
Monday, January 09, 2012
Other techniques: Keresztes Dóra
Monday, January 09, 2012
Keresztes Dóra Hungarian painter, printmaker, illustrator, graphic designer and animated film director. Her works were deeply influenced by the simplicity of East European folk art.
I like the illustrations of the Parasztdekameron.
Casettes (Kazetták)
linocut, paper
Friday, January 06, 2012
Albrecht Dürer The sixteen subjects of the Engraved Passion are not as uniform in character as Dürer's two woodcut Passions because the...
Friday, January 06, 2012
Albrecht Dürer: Passion
Friday, January 06, 2012
Albrecht Dürer The sixteen subjects of the Engraved Passion are not as uniform in character as Dürer's two woodcut Passions because their development is spread over a longer period of time. Dürer seeks out difficult problems, extreme foreshortenings, details of heads and bodies, effects of costumes, all features which are omitted from the woodcut versions.
Passion I, 1509
Man of Sorrows by the column
etching, paper
116 × 75 mm
A RÉZKARCFITNESS egy non-profit országos online grafikai közösség melynek tagjai nyitottak az újra, akik megosztják tapasztalataikat, örömeiket egymással. Alapvetően a hagyományos sokszorosító grafikai eljárások köré szerveződött csoport célja a hazai grafika fejlődésének és elismertségének elősegítése, a műhelyek közötti baráti kapcsolat kiépítése, a grafika szépségének megismertetése mindenkivel.
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