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Woodcut and linocut

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

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Rodolphe Bresdin The Good Samaritan, 1861 litography, paper 565 × 445 mm "Two Masters of Fantasy: Bresdin and Redon" featur...

Exhibition: Two Masters of Fantasy
Bresdin and Redon

Sunday, August 28, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Rodolphe Bresdin
The Good Samaritan, 1861
litography, paper
565 × 445 mm

"Two Masters of Fantasy: Bresdin and Redon" features the prints and drawings of two artists who explored worlds of the imagination, the inner reality of the subconscious, and of dream. The eccentric French printmaker and draftsman Rodolphe Bresdin (1822-1885) created a miniature world dominated by the overwhelmingly intricate web of nature. He was the teacher of Odilon Redon (1840-1916), who was master of blackness in his lithographs and drawings (noirs). Two major drawings (one newly acquired) and a selection of lithographs explore his invented mythologies. The exhibition consists of 40 works drawn primarily from the Museum's collection with a few loans from private collectors.

Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Avenue of the Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Gallery 170

25 may 2011 - 16 january 2012

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

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Goya: Los Dispartes (Nonsense)

Thursday, August 18, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

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Konecsni György (1908 – 1970) Kossuth Award-winning painter, graphic artist, stamp designer. In spite of he learned between 1927-1931 at th...

Konecsni György

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Konecsni György (1908 – 1970) Kossuth Award-winning painter, graphic artist, stamp designer. In spite of he learned between 1927-1931 at the College of Fine Arts in painting department as a student of Gyula Rudnay, later he mainly worked as graphic designer makeing posters. In 1946 he started graphic course at the academy of Applied Arts. His students were Gross Arnold, Kass János, Reich Károly.

I immediately fell in love in theis series, but unfortunately couldn't find anything about it. Anyone who knows more info about it please write a comment!

Folder (10 sheet) 1.
etching or pen?, paper
245 × 242 mm

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Etching and drypoint

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

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George Grosz (1893 – 1959) german artist. Near the Academy, he studied caricatures. The difficulties of living were forced to draw into : h...

Other Techniques: George Grosz

Monday, August 15, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

George Grosz (1893 – 1959) german artist. Near the Academy, he studied caricatures. The difficulties of living were forced to draw into : his humorous, satyric drawings were very popular. His compositions were mainly like graphics than paintings.

He hated cruelity, and he was dreaming of mankind happiness. May be that was the reason he can illustrate with cruel. Grosz's satyre reveal the dark side of the society. His artworks and drawings were confiscated, banned, qualify against morality.

Port d'eaux-mortes:
Pub à Limehouse, 1926
lithograph, paper
145 × 100 mm

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José de Ribera Boy with a windmill and an old man pulling a cart with a dead body, 1640-1650 Watercolour, pen, dark ink and pencil, paper ...

Exhibition: Goya and More

Monday, August 15, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

José de Ribera
Boy with a windmill and an old man pulling a cart with a dead body, 1640-1650
Watercolour, pen, dark ink and pencil, paper
235 × 170 mm

This exhibition presents a selection of works on paper – drawings, prints and photographs – acquired by the Museo del Prado between 1997 and 2010. It offers visitors the first opportunity to admire the most important works acquired over this period and which are normally stored in the Department of Prints and Drawings due to their fragile nature. In addition, the exhibition sets out the Museum’s principal strategies with regard to the acquisition of works on paper.

The Museum’s Department of Prints and Drawings, located in the new Jerónimos Building designed by Rafael Moneo, houses the collection of drawings, prints and old photographs that has been built up since the time of the Museum’s founding. Together with the original works from the royal collection, a number of additional groups were added such as those from the Museo de la Trinidad and the Museo de Arte Moderno. Together they constituted the core of this area of the Prado’s collection, which has been expanded over the years, particularly with the addition of the Pedro Fernández Durán Bequest in 1931. It has continued to grow over the years through significant acquisitions, particularly in the period from 1997 to 2010.

For the first time in the Museum’s history the catalogue has only been published in on-line format can download here.

A Video from the exhibition:

Museo del Prado
Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23
Madrid 28014
Jerónimos building. D szoba

5 May to 28 August 2011

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If we have got some free time and a useless cooper plate, we can make some experiment. The best effects has happened when I did another way ...


Tuesday, August 09, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

If we have got some free time and a useless cooper plate, we can make some experiment. The best effects has happened when I did another way (left the plate in the acid, thin hard ground, different Iron chloride koncentrate...) many strange and surprising effects. Who has the same experience, or may be explored something interesting please write as a comment.

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Isoda Koryusai (1735-1790) was a Japanese printmaker and painter active from approximately 1764 to 1788. The details of his life are under...

Other Techniques: Isoda Koryusai

Monday, August 08, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Isoda Koryusai (1735-1790) was a Japanese printmaker and painter active from approximately 1764 to 1788.
The details of his life are under some dispute. He apparently came from a samurai background. One theory stated he became a ronin and was forced to turn to art, but another says he voluntarily gave up the life of a samurai for art. In 1781 he received the title Hokkyo for his talent and accomplishments.

Mother and Child Watching a Boy Flying a Kite
woodblock print, paper
260 × 183 mm

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Vote starts. The blog is in the KULT category. You can vote below this link.

Vote starts

Monday, August 08, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Vote starts. The blog is in the KULT category.
You can vote below this link.

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Semmelweis Ignác, 1982 etching 355 × 250 mm A Semmelweis Ignác egykori szülőházában működő Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múz...

Exhibition: Semmeilweis Museum

Sunday, August 07, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Semmelweis Ignác, 1982
355 × 250 mm

A Semmelweis Ignác egykori szülőházában működő Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum az orvostudomány és gyógyszerészet hazai és nemzetközi történetéből ad ízelítőt. Az állandó kiállítás az ókortól a 20. század elejéig tartó fejlődés tárgyi, művészeti és írásos emlékeit mutatja be, míg az időszaki kiállítások egy-egy különös téma köré csoportosítják olykor meghökkentő, más múzeumokban ritkán látható anyagukat.

A látogató nem csak ismeretekben, hanem élményekben is gazdagodhat ebben a sajátos légkörű múzeumban: beléphet Semmelweis egykori dolgozószobájába, vagy a kétszáz éves, pesti Szent Lélek patika faragott bútorai közé, gyönyörködhet a művészi kivitelű, 18. századi anatómiai viaszpreparátumokban, a miniatűr fogászati rendelőmodellben és a furcsa, ódon orvosi műszerekben egyaránt.

A Múzeum Gyűjteményében orvosokról, kutatókról, eszközökről készült rézkarcok, rézmetszetek is megtalálhatóak.

Semmeilweis Museum
H-1013 Budapest,
Apród utca 1-3.
Phone.: (1) 375-3533, (1) 201-1577

III.15-X.31.: T-S 10.30-18:00
XI.1-III.14.: T-S 10:30-16:00

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Puzzle: Who made this?

Saturday, August 06, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 – 1804) was a Venetian painter and printmaker in etching. His father was Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, also an...

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

Friday, August 05, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 – 1804) was a Venetian painter and printmaker in etching. His father was Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, also an italian great painter. He studied under his father, at the age of 20 he was producing his own work for commissioners. Often reproducing his own or his father's paintings. However we've known about two original series, the 20 illustrations of the Flight into Egypt ( 1753 ), and the other is the 14 Stations of the Cross.

Flight into Egypt, 1753
(Mary helped by two angels follows Joseph with the donkey)
etching, paper
190 x 102 mm

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This blog hungarian version has been enered the competition. I would like to get to the top 50 list at least, but i think we ...

Goldenblog entry

Wednesday, August 03, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

This blog hungarian version has been enered the competition. I would like to get to the top 50 list at least, but i think we can reach the top 10. We rely on our readers. The vote starts at the 8th of august 7:07 AM.

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János Kass (1927-2010) is a Hungarian graphic artist, sculptor, stamp designer; 'excellent artist' title and Kossuth Prize winner. ...

Artist of the month: János Kass

Wednesday, August 03, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

János Kass (1927-2010) is a Hungarian graphic artist, sculptor, stamp designer; 'excellent artist' title and Kossuth Prize winner. He qualified as a ceramist in 1946 then studied at the Hungarian University of Art and Design between 1946 and 1949. As a student of the university his masters were Gyula Hincz, György Konecsni, and György Kádár. Between 1960 and 1961 he was aspirant of the book department at the College of Art and Design in Leipzig. From1967 he taught at the typography department at the Hungarian University of Art and Design. Between 1965 and 1973 he was art editor of Új Írás journal. He made countless book illustrations; today's middle aged people grew up on books illustrated by him. From 1973 onwards he designed stamps as well.

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A blogot idén nevezték a versenyre. Ha már így alakult szeretném ha a RÉZKARCFITNESS legalább bekerülne a legjobb 50-es listá...

Goldenblog nevezés

Tuesday, August 02, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

A blogot idén nevezték a versenyre. Ha már így alakult szeretném ha a RÉZKARCFITNESS legalább bekerülne a legjobb 50-es listába, de azért se haragszom meg ha a legjobb 10 közé jut. Remélem számíthatok rendszeres olvasóimra, hogy sikerüljön. A szavazás egészen pontosan augusztus 8-án reggel 7 óra 7 perckor indul.

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