Kathe Kollwitz
Käthe Kollwitz (1867 – 1945) was a German painter, printmaker. Her empathy for the less fortunate, expressed most famously through the graphic means of drawing, etching, lithography, and woodcut, embraced the victims of poverty, hunger, and war.Revolt, 1897
etching, paper
296 × 236 mm
The March of the Weavers in Berlin, 1897
etching, paper
214 × 297 mm
The Carmagnole (Dance around the Guillotine), 1897
etching, paper
232 × 162 mm
Beim Dengeln, 1921
etching, paper
298 × 288 mm
The Prisoners, 1921
etching, paper
330 × 430 mm
Image and text source: www.wikipaintings.org/en/kathe-kollwitz/, wikipedia.org
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