Csohány Kálmán
Csohány Kálmán (1925 - 1980) Munkácsy-díjas grafikusművész. Balladai hangvételű művein szülőföldje, Pásztó világát, emlékeit ábrázolta jelképszerű tömörséggel.Páva
Botorkálók, 1972
Töklámpás, 1976
Két szomszéd vár
305 × 205 mm
395 × 295 mm
145 × 200 mm
Őszi fények
195 × 155 mm
195 × 155 mm
Régi fénykép
240 × 160 mm
From "The Geographical Encyclopedia of the Holocaust in Hungary", vol. I pg. 467:
After the beginning of the German occupation, joiner Kalman Csohany and his son went all over town painting antisemetic grafitti in various public places - "All of you will perish" and other similar "warnings" ... On May 16 1944 the Germans herded the Jews to the railway station. The entrainment of the Jews was supervised by the Nyilas, who were very cruel. They aimed to prive to the Germans that they could do the job on their own. When all the Jews were entrained, the Nyilas leader Kalman Csohany slammed the door, shouting, "I don't ever want to see you again.".