The list of the deadly sins has been taken to the Katekism at the 6th century by Pope Gregory. This time Sadness was in the list, but later...

id. Pieter Brueghel: The Seven Deadly Sins

Friday, April 15, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

The list of the deadly sins has been taken to the Katekism at the 6th century by Pope Gregory. This time Sadness was in the list, but later they changed to Sloth. The most serius was Pride, and the less was Lust. id. Pieter Brueghel's series has been etched by Hieronymus Cock.

Pride (Superbia), 1558
etching, paper

Nemo superbus amat superos nec amatur ab illis.

Greed (Avaritia), 1557
etching, paper

Quis metus aut pudor est unquam properantis avari.

Gluttony (Gula), 1558
etching, paper

Ebrietas est vitanda ingluviesque ciborum.

Wrath (Ira), 1558
etching, paper

Ora tument ira nigrescunt sanguine venæ.

Sloth (Desidia), 1558
etching, paper

Segnities robur frangit longa ocia nervos.

Envy (Invidia), 1558 körül
etching, paper

Invidia horrendum monstrum saeuissima pestis.

Lust (Luxuria), 1558 c.
etching, paper

Luxuria eneruat vires effoeminat artus.

The Last Judgement, 1558
etching, paper

Source: metazin
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